But it is not business as usual.
Australia is going through unprecedented times trying to control the spread of the COVID-19 virus. We are committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of our clients whilst still being there to care for your companions.
Coming for services.
Please call to make an appointment to minimize waiting and maximize personal distancing. If you can’t make an appointment, please call us, so someone else can have that time.
You will be met by the infection control nurse at the door. Please keep personal distancing to 1.5 metres or more and follow the nurses instructions. Only one person per patient will be allowed in to the clinic to minimize personal contact. If we are busy you may be asked to wait in your car or the front garden until we have a safe space for you.
Hand sanitizing is available at the entrance. Please hand wash for 20 seconds when you arrive and leave.
Confined or sick?
Please do not bring you pet in if you are ill, have returned from overseas or a cruise in last 14 days or are under home confinement. If you pet needs medical treatment, we will organise for your pet to be collected on a no contact basis. You must follow the instructions to the letter when this is organized to ensure everyone’s safety.
Repeat medications.
Please call and organise your medications, so they are ready to collect when you arrive. This will minimize your waiting time and the number of people in and around the veterinary clinic. The infection control nurse will bring the medications out to you and collect payment.
It is all about keeping every one safe.