Tests on faeces from dog suffering from parvovirus were sent to the University of Adelaide for testing to determine the strain of parvovirus that is currently being seen in Whyalla. The test confirms the presence of the new strain of Parvovirus 2c.
Two types of tests, PCR and HRM both showed the presence of the new strain of parvovirus. This strain has been detected overseas for a number of years but has only recently been detected in Australia.
The faeces tested from Whyalla (Sample) lines up with the positive control (C+) which means that Parvovirus 2c has been detected.
Parvovirus 2c is a highly contagious viral infection that attacks the gastrointestinal tract and whilst it can infect dogs of all ages, it is particularly deadly for young dogs. Parvovirus causes the dog to become weak, with vomiting and bloody diarrhoea which results in dehydration and death.
A dog being treated for parvovirus infection. This photo illustrates the constant battle for vets and nurses against the vomit and bloody diarrhoea from patients being treated for parvovirus. The good news is that all the dogs treated early have survived.
Whilst parvovirus can be successfully treated, if treatment is commenced early, it can be prevented by getting your dog vaccinated. So far, we have seen no vaccinated dogs contract parvovirus
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